Hello, I'm Alexandra.

And this is a web page about me (selfish, right?)

Information about me.

I'm from the Rotterdam area (That's in the Netherlands) and I was born in March of 2005. I forget stuff often. You might want to call me Queen of the Forgetsies.

Currently a software engineering student after one failed year of electrical engineering. Weird route to take? Maybe, but it was the first alternative that came to mind. EE on uni level incorporates a lot of math and I sucked at that specific math. That does not stop me from screwing around with electronics, though. I love building up random things! Also I am confident that one day, I will be doing something related to electrical engineering.

I like photography, touching grass and working on retro tech (mainly audio equipment). I'm looking for some fixer upper projects to undertake. I'm MtF transgender and I use she/her pronouns. May or may not be ace (I enjoy garlic bread). Waiting on the diagnosis since September 18, 2023. Closeted irl since October 11, 2022. You can read more about it on this page. Now we have that out the way, I can delete my pronouns.page and people won't have to ask about it.

Where to find me.

You can find me in a few places on the internet. For the most part, you will have to look yourself, but here's a few.


Yes, I am on Discord. My username is qotf_alexi You cannot friend request me, so try to find me in servers. I am in a few public ones. There is also a throwaway alt account under a different name but I'd probably expect you to find my main way before that.


My username for Github is QOTF-Alexi.


What's with the qotf in your usernames?

People keep stealing "Alexi" without any pre- or suffixes. QOTF is short for Queen of the Forgetsies.

What is your favourite colour?

Purple. Could you tell?